In energetic terms, human beings are small energy bodies living in the larger energy body of the universe. Within our smaller energy body, we each have built-in systems that connect internally and also connect externally with the outside world. Strengthening and focusing on these systems will enable you to live a more harmonious and authentic life. The different aspects of your energy body make one complete system consisting of—grounding, central channel, boundaries, truth cord, Inner Healer, and Authentic Self.
Grounding connects us to the center of the earth. This earth energy flows through our feet and up our central channel. Our central channel runs up and down the center of our bodies and is where the seven chakras collect energy that have specific mental, emotional, and physical functions. When these chakras are deficient or excessive, they affect the flow of energy along this channel, the chakras above and below them, and our overall well-being. The central channel goes all the way up to the center of the universe, the Divine, Source, God, or whatever name you call this energy.
Following along the path from the center of the earth, through your central channel, and to the universe above, is your truth cord. This is the energetic cord that “rings” when you’ve experienced some truth about yourself, other people, and/or the world.
Boundaries are the natural extension of a full, whole, and healthy energy body. They are meant to be intelligent, allowing in energies that help us and keeping out energies that do not. I use the following definition for boundaries, and recommend you keep this in your back pocket to use as needed--Boundaries are the space that allows me to love you and me simultaneously.
Another aspect of this system that is often helpful is connecting with your Inner Healer. This can be a helping spirit, angel, energy, color, or some other form. Everyone has an intuitive sense of what they need to heal.
Your Authentic Self is who you were born to be. Your DNA. Everything that makes you authentically you. When connected to these systems of the energy body, many people begin to feel their Authentic Self more easily. One client of mine described this as “when I feel most like me.” Yes! Unfortunately, a lot of people are often not encouraged to explore, discuss, or experience their authentic selves. Now is the time to start!
Each part of the energy body can and should be strengthened. I can send you guided visualizations to practice and exercise each component. Developing a healthy and powerful energy body is an important step in working with challenging parts of yourself. And working with those challenging parts requires a complementary tool to deepen and accelerate your healing process. This is where Energy Body Clearing comes in! (See the next blog post.)
This technique has been modified and adapted from Christina Pratt at The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing.