Energy body clearing takes the fundamental principles of your energy body and looks at how trauma and/or unresolved emotional experiences can affect this system. When we experience trauma, that part of ourselves becomes marginalized because some human need was not met. This creates a separation between the Authentic Self and the marginalized part. This separation causes symptoms such as: depression, anxiety, addictions, physical pain, and sleep issues, just to name a few.
Our job as adults is to re-connect with this marginalized part in a compassionate and curious way. Think of comforting and helping a child who needs support. Through the energy body clearing method, I guide you to connect to all aspects of your energy body—grounding, central channel, truth cord, boundaries, Inner Healer, and Authentic Self. This provides a container for you to do this work.
As your Authentic Self, you turn off your Analyzer, so you can more easily connect with your marginalized part as its own energy who needs healing and not a part who needs more judging or analysis. You’ll be guided to find where you feel that marginalized part in your body. As your Authentic Self, you connect with your marginalized part in a curious and compassionate way that encourages the marginalized part to speak. This often provides immediate release, because they are not connecting with the memory of the marginalized part, but it is as if you are connecting with the marginalized part themselves. Once this connection is re-established, your Authentic Self can give the marginalized part what they did not get at the time. This often provides a feeling of connection and consolidation. The marginalized part becomes integrated into your Authentic Self in the moment. This may also require time outside the session to continue the integration process.
This method has been incredibly helpful for people, myself included. I encourage people to use this on their own once they learn the principles. I love this unique process, because it works simultaneously with the mental, emotional, physical, and traumatized parts of self that other methods work with separately. Don't we experience life with all systems working together? Why should the experience of healing be any different? The process often opens up subconscious territory that is otherwise bypassed in everyday life and provides a deeper and more lasting change. The marginalized self no longer takes your life force, your Authentic Self strengthens, and you become more aligned with who you really are.
Adapted from Christina Pratt at The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing